Disability Insurance

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As you’ve looked to your financial future, have you ever engaged in any of the following?



·         Purchasing life insurance

·         Estate planning

·         Designing an investment portfolio

·         Retirement planning

·         Setting up a savings plan



Of course you have, because you are already fully aware of the need to protect

your wealth—after you’ve earned it. But despite all your careful strategizing, you

may have overlooked a very important piece of protection.



None of these plans or products will protect one of the most important sources of

your wealth, i.e., your ability to earn a steady income.



This is why, in addition to all of the above, every successful person also needs

the very best disability income insurance possible.



No one plans to be too sick or badly injured to work, of course. But what if something unexpected does come along to change your future in the blink of an eye: a car accident…an illness with a long recovery period…a fall or other injury?



What if, due to sickness or injury, you are simply unable to work for a period of months, or even years? Imagine the questions you would have then:



   Who will pay my mortgage?

   How will I maintain my household?

   How can I afford to convalesce?

   How will I reenter this competitive business?



Disability income insurance can help answer these questions, because it pays you benefits—which you can then use to pay expenses—while you are disabled.



And “Own-Occupation” Disability Insurance is designed especially to pay benefits each month you are unable to perform the duties of your own occupation—even if you can earn money doing something else.



Quality disability income insurance also offers you such hard-to-find features as non-cancellable coverage…a choice of benefit and elimination periods to help adjust the cost…and various optional riders to enhance its value.



You’ve already done so much to protect your financial well-being.   We encourage and advise our important clients take the time today to consider protecting the source of their incomes.  With the right DI coverage, your family’s economic security is safeguarded, even in the most dire circumstances. 



Please feel free to call any time to schedule an appointment to discuss your disability needs.